This is my second try at a fall photostroll in Helen, a German-themed town in the Georgia mountains north of Athens, and I’ve got to tell you: Helen and I are not getting along.
Technically, it’s my fault. But I feel the relationship may have soured; I just might neglect to make a third attempt.

In late October, 2019, I was there with an unfamiliar lens and although I took a stack of photographs, the vast majority of them were junk. I got eight — eight! — worth putting up. Again, my fault. But not at all the results I’d wanted.
This week, I was back. I had two beautiful fall days to make up the deficit.

Day one saw 68 photographs taken with my favorite 35mm, but I could tell almost immediately that it wasn’t going the way I wanted. It was flooded with tourists — expected and okay, frankly, but not built for wider shots. “No problem,” I said to myself. I’ll enjoy some schnitzel, have a good night’s sleep, and clean up with the detail shots in the morning.

Alas, not only did I get out of the wrong side of the bed, my back somehow got out of the other side — I wasn’t walking anywhere. Crap.

Worse, upon examination back in front of the big computer, I wound up with less than superlative results: only 30 of those 68 got posted.
Have a look at the Helen gallery when you have a moment, with my wishes that your fall attempts at leafing don’t leave you behind.